
American Legion calls for service to Veterans

D.M. Dellinger, National Commander, American Legion

Daniel M. Dellinger, National Commander, American Legion

On this Veterans Day, 2013, shares with direct permisson, this message from………..Daniel M. Dellinger, who is national commander of the 2.4 million-member American Legion… his own words…..


Let’s Serve Veterans as Well as They Have Served Us
By Daniel M. Dellinger
During the recent government shutdown many numbers were thrown around. But there is one number that stands out and it has nothing to do with the debate over the federal budget. [Read more…]

MilSuccessNet GO TO Resources and Contributors

GO TO is the resource page where MilSuccessNet Contributors, Guest Bloggers, Experts and Service providers are listed for site visitors to peruse.

We appreciate their participation and you’ll find their mini bio and where to find them as we build our community and network GO TO people power on military success network. 

 NOTE: listing is updated with each guest blog [Read more…]


Military Success Network Recognizes and Reports on Transitions

The “Military Success Network” presents the many faces of the American military. Through writing for and by the men and women of the armed forces, the site addresses what is involved in the transition experience of returning veterans.

It serves not only as a forum but also as a resource and constructive news and networking hub. The aim is to positively support armed forces veterans, their families, colleagues and employers. Upcoming posts will share the issues, programs and services related to veterans as well as personal stories of individual transformations and adaptations of military experiences to civilian life.

[Read more…]