On June 12, 150 years ago, the Confederate Cavalry ran a 100 mile long reconnaissance raid. They went full circle around the Union Army of the Potomac of General McClellan.
J.E.B. Stuart, the Confederate Cavalry General, accomplished this feat by eluding the northern cavalry commanded by his father-in-law, Philip St George Cooke.
At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederate Cavalry enjoyed a tremendous superiority over their Union counterpart. J.E.B. Stuart took full advantage of this and led his in-law on a wild goose chase.
A legendary figure, General James Ewell Brown Stuart (1833-1864), Jeb to his friends, is considered one of the greatest cavalry commanders in American history.
His image was carefully crafted. Jeffry D. Wert wrote about Stuart:
“Stuart had been the Confederacy’s knight-errant, the bold and dashing cavalier, attired in a resplendent uniform, plumed hat, and cape. Amid a slaughterhouse, he had embodied chivalry, clinging to the pageantry of a long-gone warrior. He crafted the image carefully, and the image befitted him. He saw himself as the Southern people envisaged him. They needed a knight; he needed to be that knight.”
Stuart died in the battle of The Yellow Tavern at the age of 31. You’ll be amazed at the accolades on his service, cities and schools named after him and the details of his cemetery location and memoriam statue. Start your search engines!
American made Stuart Tanks M3, M4 named in honor of J.E.B. Stuart by the British in WWll
Military Success Network dusts the book shelf today, with elegance, after a fashion standard set by a General.
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