
Gettysburg a test of faith for friends, foes & families

On this last day of commemoration of the Battle of Gettysburg and the eve of Independence Day jubilation, veteran and armchair historian, Greg Johnson shares his reflections in this first guest post.

Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson

What follows began as a conversation with Greg about this week’s events. Even as a Canadian, I have been riveted to the re-enactments of the  first person accounts and the historical narratives, both strictly factual and fictitious, that mark the Battle of Gettysburg. It is said that this battle ended it for the South, even though the war waged on for long after in other regions. [Read more…]


Real life, love, loss & war reporting inspire Widow of Gettysburg author Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green, Military Success Network guest blogger is today’s WoWWords on Wednesdays feature as today is the general launch day of Widow of Gettysburg. This is Green’s 2nd book in the series entitled: Heroines Behind the Lines.

Front cover of Widow of Gettysburg by Jocelyn Green A bonus on the book is that for a limited time it is available FREE to readers as a download. A great celebration of Green’s craft and generosity as well as a super warm up to not only Mother’s Day on May 12, but also the observance of Military Spouse Appreciation Day on May 10!

Now onto the words of the story and a few about the process…..  The Battle of Gettysburg is the most documented and well-known battle of the American Civil War. Jocelyn Green’s novel, Widow of Gettysburg, takes us beyond the battlefields to the daily battles fought by women and children who struggled just to survive in the time of the Civil War. [Read more…]