
Site co-founders’ book blends service, heritage and legacy in Hidden Wounds: A Soldier’s Burden

Lessons in the marketplace were the unanticipated deliverables in the boxes of their own books. They arrived fresh off the presses onto the door steps of co-authors, Marius Tecoanta and Nate Brookshire.

Hidden-Wounds-A-Soldiers-Burden_ThumbnailWoW – Words on Wednesdays will ultimately visit the PROCESS of publishing – the battles waged to get military writers’ words to their audiences successfully. Today, we’ll continue with the CREATIVE process, in our coverage of Military writers, cartoonists, essayists, authors and bloggers…

Your nominations for future posts are welcome!

Now, it’s (this) editor’s choice. Getting this book out is what brought the three of us, Helena, Marius and Nate together-to tell a story of two families. Our growth as a team and understanding of the scope of the subject grew into a new mission.

We knew we wanted to create more  space for the critical stories of our time, told by and for others. Stories of  transformation and of resilience lived by military members in transition back to their civilian life, possibly new work and studies and to their family life. [Read more…]


Review: In the Shadow of a Mountain by Sue Daigneault

In the Shadow of a Mountain [Kindle Edition]

Susan Dahlgren Daigneault (Author)

Available at Amazon
Dahlgren_Banner 2Susan Dahlgren Daigneault, author of “In the Shadow of a Mountain” gives us an invitation into the family of Medal of Honor recipient Edward C. Dahlgren. This is a deeply personal account of the life of a true hero. It has many layers and gives the reader insight into the character of a man who epitomized selfless service, humility, integrity and honor. [Read more…]


An Editorial Milestone & Epiphany

January 6, marked not only Epiphany Day, but also the passage past the half way point of the first year of  Military Success Network. The site is dedicated to bringing to light the stories and resources that support resilient transition from military to civilian life and work.

This significant public day is celebrated in its religious context in specific ways in the USA and in cultures all over the world.

Interestingly, the secular meaning of epiphany, also marks the movement from one state of knowing and experience to another. It involves light, search and hopefully, celebration in what is found.

It denotes the power of change. [Read more…]


Writing Life Based on Military Experiences

This has been an interesting year to say the least.

Hidden Wounds: A Soldier's Burden, a historical fiction novel,Our book, Hidden Wounds: A Soldier’s Burden was published and found its official launch on November 15th, 2011 while I was deployed.

Marius and I received a lot of positive feedback. The most common responses to us getting published were, “That’s cool.” and “How did that happen?” with the latter often said with surprise and wonderment.

We both appreciated the “That’s cool!” and have yet to fully answer the “How did that happen?” [Read more…]