
Making a tax planning list, checking it twice

“Money Mondays” is officially a new MilSuccessNet feature, but  money is on all our minds a lot, isn’t it? Especially at this time of year.

Now’s a good time to give it attention so that you can take advantage NOW of programs and deductions to benefit you from your past year. Plus, you can plan better for your upcoming year.

MoneyIt may look like we are starting heavy, but year-end is going to slam us hard, real soon.. so..  enjoy your Thanksgiving gatherings and then make time over the holidays to collect yourself , and your papers and get on it! Times’s a tickin;.

In future Money Mondays, we’ll feature  tips from independents and authors and financial folks to give you ideas and information. Some bits will be technical and other bytes may be spooned out – firm but friendly, like friends over coffee.

We’re in this, together and the holiday season is a good time to start. We’re spending time and funds that brings us and our families both joy and stress. So now…our first financial writer,  Rick Rodgers, in his own words… [Read more…]