
Garden harvest sows discontent with pushy neighbor

Career Soldiers with more than 50 years of service between them, MilSuccessNet guest writers Shaun and Pamela Collins have hardly gone to seed in “retirement.” They’ve tended their own well planted garden of career and lifestyle transition. It has yielded opportunities to apply their training and experience as they teach, travel, contribute to their community and write.

With fall’s arrival comes this column of practical advice on handling a neighbor with big eyes. It is reprinted with kind permission from their original column in The Guidon at Ft. Leonard Wood.

Here is this week’s question that they answer entirely in their own words …..

QUESTION:   I have a small garden at my house, and when I mean small, I mean several potted tomatoes and two cucumber plants and one pepper plant. Barely enough for my own Family, but my neighbor asks me every day when am I going to be bringing him some produce. 

……At first I thought he was joking, actually rubbing it in about the size of my “farm” but the other day my wife picked four cucumbers and he asked if he could have two. I wasn’t home, but he told my wife that I had said he could share the results. She brushed it off as joking, but he did not. [Read more…]


Home fire friends when buddies deploy – advice

He Said and She Said their advice on – an ethical choice a man makes on how to ‘be’ with the family of a buddy who deploys:

Questions you might have

Questions you might have

I’m a single guy stationed here with a long-distance girlfriend. That’s not the problem and that relationship works very well for both of us. My problem is that my sponsor here has become a great friend. He and his Family have gone out of their way to make me feel comfortable.

When I was here at Thanksgiving a year ago and couldn’t go home because of work, they took me in and fed me. They invite me to Family night activities; their kids’ soccer games and just about anytime when I am not traveling back to Iowa to see my girlfriend. It’s been a standing invite and I know that I can always bow out. However, my buddy is getting ready to deploy. He’ll be gone for a year and I know that his Family will probably still invite me to events, meals and movie night, but I really would feel weird hanging out with his wife without him around. [Read more…]


Ops by the book & cat life advice via veterans

It’s Friday and MilSuccessNet is branching out… actually we’re  stretching out towards the weekend with Doctrine Man‘s take on work. So, you can leave it, if you can, for a bit, with a smile….Debut strip on loan  with permission from DM whose daily dose of humor and sense gets us all through the week:

DM Manual word change 2










AND MORE NEW features:  Advice from the “former” Mr. and Mrs. Smith  ……. [Read more…]


Love, work and the whole damn thing part 2

Pamela Collins continues her own story of  resilient transition from Part 1 and in today’s post she talks about:

Pam Collins, writer of the He Said She Said column

Pam Collins

  • Adjustment to a new daily routine
  • Mentorship’s value
  • Birth of the He Said She Said column 
  • Creative connection to military and giving back

Have you guessed yet who is on her team?

Find out who they are NOW and check back again for the full confession of who this popular columnist and her writing partner really WERE before you met them here on Military Success Network…. 

…  we return now to read her own words[Read more…]