
Ops by the book & cat life advice via veterans

It’s Friday and MilSuccessNet is branching out… actually we’re  stretching out towards the weekend with Doctrine Man‘s take on work. So, you can leave it, if you can, for a bit, with a smile….Debut strip on loan  with permission from DM whose daily dose of humor and sense gets us all through the week:

DM Manual word change 2










AND MORE NEW features:  Advice from the “former” Mr. and Mrs. Smith  ……. [Read more…]


Military source for advice on Valentine’s Day?

It’s LOVE DAY out in the world, and all heart week at Military Success Network. We are introducing new guest bloggers on the soul of resilient military to civilian transition and a NEW ADVICE COLUMN. 

TO THE RESCUE today, is the 1st of many valuable columns to come! Reprinted with permission of  GUIDON in Ft. Leonard Wood. They are graciously sharing the HE SAID SHE SAID advice column, written by our own new dynamic duo of guest bloggers and veterans Pam Collins and her partner in life and practical advice prose, Shaun Collins. (Formerly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, till both officially retired from military service and entered civilian life, with resilience!!)

Today, they address a universal quandary. Oh, I hope it’s not too late for you today. Our MilSuccessNet editor was found this morning, way past deadline,  hunched over, asleep and clutching  a half empty heart shaped virtual box of chocolate… on the screen.

He Said, She Said: Husband stumped at what to buy wife for Valentine’s Day 

He Said She Said








[Read more…]


Prior to Panetta news – one woman in combat

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has announced that policy at the Pentagon has spun around and the U.S. would lift the ban on allowing women to take on combat roles.

CNN's Kimberley Bratic story

CNN’s Kimberley Bratic story

CNN’s  Ashley Fantz  covered one woman’s story in her article on Kimberley Bratic.

Teresa Broadwell-Salomon’s (now Grace) story appeared in 3 parts on Military Success Network.

She had combat experience due to her particular military duty. Her actions in a fire fight contributed to the saving of many American lives under attack.  [Read more…]


An Editorial Milestone & Epiphany

January 6, marked not only Epiphany Day, but also the passage past the half way point of the first year of  Military Success Network. The site is dedicated to bringing to light the stories and resources that support resilient transition from military to civilian life and work.

This significant public day is celebrated in its religious context in specific ways in the USA and in cultures all over the world.

Interestingly, the secular meaning of epiphany, also marks the movement from one state of knowing and experience to another. It involves light, search and hopefully, celebration in what is found.

It denotes the power of change. [Read more…]


64th International Human Rights Day

December 10 is ‘International Human Rights Day’. In 2012, this set annual date marks the 64th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Eleanor_Roosevelt_holding up the Human_Rights_Declaration

Eleanor Roosevelt holds Human Rights Declaration in English

The day is about the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It became one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations and it was the first global enunciation of human rights. [Read more…]


Military wives mark Veterans Day with free gift of their novels

Military Success Network continues with posts marking Veterans Day with this special tribute offer by three former military wives and novelists. Please share- we will all grow as we Hear, Understand and Acknowledge – our H.U.A. mission on Military Success Network. This triad of women writers has joined forces to honor Veterans Day by each sharing their books for FREE. The books are available on Amazon for one day only on Sunday, November 11,  2012, in Kindle format (see links below to download a free app to read it on your computer)

Links to each of these novels and the free ebook download are available on this author’s page.  The titles are:

The Final Salute, a novel featured on Military Success NetworkTHE FINAL SALUTE by Kathleen M. Rodgers  takes place among Air Force families during the 1991 Gulf War.  Rodgers was an Air Force spouse for 12 years and is now a military mom of a son in the Army. [Read more…]


Veterans repurpose skills and reintegrate with Team Rubicon

In this week of Veterans Day in the U.S.A. and Remembrance Day in Canada, MilSuccessNet will post daily to illuminate Veterans’ living contributions and to remember those whose light was extinguished far too early in their service to our society.  

“This generation of Veterans has the opportunity to step up, if they are given the chance,” says Jake Wood, co-founder and president of Team Rubicon, a disaster relief nonprofit known for its extraordinary efforts during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Jake Wood, co-founder and president of Team Rubicon

Jake Wood, co-founder and president of Team Rubicon

Wood served for four years in the United States Marine Corps. He deployed in 2007 to Iraq as a fire team leader and in 2008 to Afghanistan as a Scout Sniper.

On his return to the U.S. he became an outspoken advocate for veterans’ rights. In 2010, his voice joined that of  former Marine William McNulty. Together, they founded Team Rubicon in response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti. [Read more…]


From the Military to the Marketplace post #2

Following Will

Post #2 covers:

  • How the road reports happen
  • Will’s education choice
  • Introducing transition guides

Will Coulter is in the driver’s seat of his post military life story. Every two weeks we also find him in his vehicle where he reports on his personal experience in his transition from active military duty to civilian life.

Will Coulter reports in from his road to civilian work and study success

Will Coulter family man, student, business owner

He’s allowed Military Success Network to ‘shadow’ him for the past 11 weeks since our first “meeting” on the phone to talk about how this series we call FOLLOWING WILL, might help others. Will and I speak every two weeks. Our posts may slide back and forth in time depending on what we end up talking about. (Read our introductory post) [Read more…]


Military to Civilian Transition Timeline for Veterans

Summary points in this post as part of Military Success Network’s Moving from the Military to the Marketplace series:

One (1) year in advance of separation from military – build networks, use social media, and review your resume and transferrable skills
Six (6) months out – begin direct and specific contact with growing network, practice interview skills
Three (3) months out – ship out resumes and cover letters, freshen contacts in real and on social media
Exit – welcome to your new work life, or retool to fill networking and skills gaps

Opportunity, it is said, is luck meeting preparedness.

Switch the order of those 3 ingredients in the formula and you still get the same thing: success. [Read more…]


Home from the Iraq Odyssey part 3 of 3

Transition is the thread that binds the last portion of Phil Nerges’s Iraq odyssey to his book, Iraq Journal–Sketches from the Contracting Life. He had made it out alive to recreate his life back home. Nerges saw no literature about the contractors and their families to aid in his own transition after his final return stateside. Within 3 years he had compiled a book to reflect their stories.

In the fall of 2011, Helena Kaufman interviewed Phil Nerges about his mission to share the life of contractors working alongside the military in Iraq. The first posts were published just before we heard President Obama’s announcement of the end of war in Iraq.

The book is based on emails home, in fast and frightening times. Nerges used his love of language and photographer’s eye to capture sights, sounds and memories made while he sorted his life and then began the transition home.

“More than military men and women are coming back,” says Nerges. Transition is the upcoming experience for tens of thousands of military personnel returning from America’s longest wars. [Read more…]