Archives for 2013


“5 Love Languages” book for the Military marriage

Holiday gatherings serve up delicate communication challenges. Between the dollops at the buffet are opportunities to show appreciation and even express love to those with whom we share meals and accomodation. It’s as good a time as any to note that while military families share all the fun and fretting that comes with the plans and preps, they’re also dealing with added variables to contend with over civilian settings.

Jocelyn Green family

Jocelyn and Rob Green

MilSuccessNet guest writer, Jocelyn Green, has addressed some of the unique communication challenges in a book she has co-authored with Gary C. Chapman. Dr. Chapman has authored a series of books on Love Languages.

This book is specific to the Military marriage and is adapted from the #1 New York Bestseller series by Gary Demonte Chapman on the concept of “Five Love Languages.”  The premise helps people speak and understand emotional love when it is expressed through one of five languages. Those categories are:  words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service or physical touch.

Chapman argues that while each of these languages is enjoyed to some degree by all people, a person will usually speak one primary language. That’s how they relate both giving and receiving love, and therefore connection.

So, if  you find yourself eyeing the folks you’re moving around the buffet table with as beings from another planet, chances are an understsanding of their love language might help. According to Chapman and Green, it often comes down to language, specifically says Chapman, “The primary emotional love language” that each person speaks. It can be confusing to the listener and a point of stress to the speaker who just doesn’t get why their message is not getting through.

We can imagine this dance of dialogues taking place in a military family – where there are strains and distances that really test a marriage and family unit. Where one faces dangers of combat thousands of miles away and the other mananges the homefront duties and all the decisions.

MilSuccessNet’s readers deal with unpredictable schedules, frequent moves and the challenge of reintegration.
This means stress in any one of the five branches of the military. We thought it apt to present this special resource that for many has helped navigate their relationships within a military marriage. At the very least, the title alone and knowing it’s out there, might shine a light on the more challenging spots in upcoming gatherings!
The book is based on input from dozens of military couples in all stages of their careers.
Check it out here:

According to the publisher’s notes, the Military Edition of  the Five Love Languages includes:

  1. Stories of military couples from every branch of service who have found ways to use the 5 love languages in their unique lifestyles
  2. A Decoding Deployments section at the end of each love language chapter, offering tips on how to express love when you are apart.
  3. A new chapter, Love Language Scramblers, explains how to speak the love languages
    through some of the most challenging times of a military marriage.
  4. An updated Q&A section to include questions specific to military marriage.

There’s also a 5 Love Languages profile to help partners identify their particular styles so that the principles can be put to work by readers.

We’re pleased to feature this book and to support the work of  award-winning author, former military wife and MilSuccessNet contributor,Jocelyn Green. Her books are known to inspire faith and courage in her readers through both fiction and nonfiction. She also has a loyal following world wide in her Faith Deployed ministry.

Real heroines on America’s home front, appear in her historical fiction novels. Widow of Gettysburg was highlighted in these pages on its launch.

Jocelyn Green, author (photo supplied)

Jocelyn Green, author (photo supplied)

Jocelyn graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. She is an active member of the Evangelical Press Association, Christian Authors Network, the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Military Writers Society of America.

She has posted tips for writers on this site and also tips on transition when she and her husband experienced that phase in his military career. Jocelyn and her husband Rob are raising their two small children in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where life post deployment and in transition flourishes and inspires others.

Read her tips for writers in MilSuccessNet archives HERE.


Gary ChapmanGary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 8 million worldwide and has been translated into 49 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 300 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn.


Revisit notes success: Trio of transitions for army veteran, McKendree R. Long III

On this WoW, Words on Wednesdays at year end, we revisit and record new success in Mike Long’s story of transition from military member, to money manager to award winning writer.

Below you’ll find a revisit of Mike Long’s progress since we first published the rest of this post on September 25, 2013. Kudos and congratulations to Mike.

The Military Writers Society of American (MWSA) bestowed the 2013 Gold Medal, Historical Fiction on Long’s book: Dog Soldier Moon.

Recently accepted for publication is: Unfinished Business, for Cactus Country IV Anthology, Resurrection in Broken Promises Anthology and Choteau’s Crossing in Rough Country Anthology. And, his No Good Liked It Is just went live as an audiobook on, iTunes, and Amazon.

On December 15-16, he’ll be signing books at the Mike Kent Gun Show,SC State Fairgrounds.

It’s inspiring to follow Mike Long’s progress in his 3rd career. Enjoy this MilSuccessNet REVISIT….. [Read more…]


Money Mondays goes smart seasonal shopping

 “Money Mondays” a new MilSuccessNet column, appeared here and immediately snagged attention and comments on LinkedIn, the business ‘social’ networking site.

Conversation in the town square I called on my friend and colleague, Alexei Schwartzman to help me plan this series on money for you well.  His specialized expertise in the financial industry will factor in future posts. For now, I’ll share his answer to my opening question: What is the best sequence for our community of readers to receive immediately applicable tips and solutions on their smart money moves?

“Your readers should become familiar with three key areas: Investment, Insurance and Taxes,” is what he said. 

I got instantly tired.

You and I KNOW this trio of ‘should know abouts.’ However, fatigue sets in fast as we try to stretch our finances over what seems like massive planning concepts. Alexei, must have recognized the look on my face based on the overwhelm he no doubt guides clients through in his practice. This is what I gleaned from our conversation and his explanations in gentle, human terms. [Read more…]


Pearl Harbor and the Greatest Generation remembered

Military Success Network marks the 72nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor alongside the living memorials to that day.

The veterans who survived and their stories now inform today’s great generation. Below is the basic story and then just two of the opportunities to consider the future based on the lessons glimpsed in the art and video links offered below.

December 7, 1941 was the day of the surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor and catapulted America into war.

USS Shaw Explodes at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7 1941

USS Shaw Explodes at Pearl Harbor

In “Operation Hawaii” the Japanese struck a major tactical victory in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Their action was planned to prevent the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan intended to carry out in Southeast Asia against the overseas territories of the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. [Read more…]


Appreciating Military ‘home makers’ at Thanksgiving

Military spouses are the proponents, supporters, defenders and enablers, in the most positive and patriotic sense,who can help their life partners to do what they are called to do. To do the right thing as it is understood by their service member. Male or female, a spouse helps to keep all the plates spinning in the air with their abilities and their willing contribution.

Joe Byerly, at home, photo  provided.

Joe Byerly, at home, photo provided.


Guest writer, Joe Byerly, of Enlightened Soldier, pays tribute to HIS military spouse and places her role in a most interesting, historical context.

So now, to honor spouses, many of whom will be working, heatedly over meals of Thanksgiving themselves, this post and in his own words…..

[Read more…]


Making a tax planning list, checking it twice

“Money Mondays” is officially a new MilSuccessNet feature, but  money is on all our minds a lot, isn’t it? Especially at this time of year.

Now’s a good time to give it attention so that you can take advantage NOW of programs and deductions to benefit you from your past year. Plus, you can plan better for your upcoming year.

MoneyIt may look like we are starting heavy, but year-end is going to slam us hard, real soon.. so..  enjoy your Thanksgiving gatherings and then make time over the holidays to collect yourself , and your papers and get on it! Times’s a tickin;.

In future Money Mondays, we’ll feature  tips from independents and authors and financial folks to give you ideas and information. Some bits will be technical and other bytes may be spooned out – firm but friendly, like friends over coffee.

We’re in this, together and the holiday season is a good time to start. We’re spending time and funds that brings us and our families both joy and stress. So now…our first financial writer,  Rick Rodgers, in his own words… [Read more…]


Dan Cooper’s Thanksgiving flight of fancy

On November 24, 1971, Dan Cooper a.k.a. D. B. Cooper purchased a one way ticket from Portland, Oregon to Seattle. This name was actually just a cover as part of this enterprising gentleman’s plan for an unusually memorable Thanksgiving for himself.

1972 F.B.I. composite drawing of D. B. Cooper

1972 F.B.I. composite drawing of D. B. Cooper

No strict security screenings existed at the airports 41 years ago. Passengers and their carry-on baggage screening only began in 1973. Thus, Cooper had no difficulty in bringing on board a bag containing a contraption with wires and cylinders that looked like or could have been an explosive device. [Read more…]


Thanksgiving feeds one family’s stress

A call out from Ft. Leonard Wood for some support on the upcoming holidays via the Guidon, and a response from advice columnists, Shaun and Pamela Collins

box with question marksSeason’s holidays are upon us and the stress levels are simply up. For their take on some of what is complex when families, and our expectations come together, here is what He Said and She Said when this question was sent in:

We recently invited my wife’s Family to come to our house this year for Thanksgiving. It is something we have done before and we often rotate it between going to her Family in Iowa, inviting Family to our home, or going to my Family in Illinois. It’s sort of a tradition.

This year, however, we were thrown a curve ball. [Read more…]


Words-on-Wednedsays notes on Bob Beverley

On this Words on Wednesdays, WoW is following up on guest writer, Bob Beverley’s recent post in What follows are a few questions he answered during our conversation about his books and his personal mission.

Bob Beverley

Bob Beverley

When Nate, Marius and I met Bob Beverley, we were not yet a team and MilSuccessNet was not yet our mission. In a sense, however, he did bring us together at a communications boot camp we had come to separately from three different cities. His opening remarks to the 40 or so in attendance were so human and warm, that our minds and hearts were opened to the information and to the connections we were to make over the next four days.

We again, independently, chose to read his weekly ezine, The Dig, and most recently posed a few questions of Bob, some of which we share here: [Read more…]


On doing too much and being enough

As a mother, I am licensed to worry.

As a contributing editor on MilSuccessNet, I now also worry about all the military men and women I’ve gotten to know in person, by phone or via social media conversations. And I worry about the many service members at large because now I understand more about the depth of your military experiences. As I record or report individual stories, I also know your challenges when you transition into civilian roles at home and in your communities. That’s why I worry.

I feel you are vulnerable to:

1. Being overworked due to your ‘get ‘er done’ work ethic in a marketplace where supervisors and colleagues may be all too happy to let you deliver on tasks to the standards and expectations you applied to your military duties.

2. Demanding so much of  yourself that, you never feel ‘enough’ in aspects of your life and work…   or at least, take a long time to re-jig your measurement of  where you are great and good enough. 

It’s a topic of conversation at team MilSuccessNet. It can all be overwhelming if we submit to the machine, without checking in with ourselves, regularly. So, dear readers, we’re kicking off upcoming articles with this conversation.

Welcome Bob Beverley, a friend Nate, Marius and I all met at the same time and whose words both inspire and comfort when his Ezine, The Dig appears in our inbox, weekly.

Bob Beverley

Bob Beverley

Monday then is a great day to pause and read Bob Beverley’s reflection from The Dig. A psychotherapist of more than 25 years experience in New York State, he shares installment #9 from his series POWER and an idea on how we can show up for the rest of the week, or for the rest of our lives. Read more about Bob in Words on Wednesdays, and for now… his own words…

POWER (9)  “You can only do so much.”

[Read more…]